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Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics作  /  譯    者 :Alpha C. Chiang,Kevin WainwrightI S B N -  13 :9780071238236I S B N -  10 :0071238239類             別:數理經濟 版             次:4 版年             份:2005規             格:688 頁出     版     商:McGraw Hill Education It has been twenty years since the last edition of this classic book. Kevin Wainwright (British Columbia University and Simon Fraser University), a long time user of the text, has executed the perfect revision: he has updated examples, applications and theory without changing the elegant, precise presentation style of Alpha Chiang. Readers will find the wait was worthwhile. KEY FEATURES: 1.Elegant Yet Lucid Writing Style: Chiang¿s strength is the eloquence of the writing and the manner in which it is developed. While the content of the text can be difficult, it is understandable. 2.Meshes Sophisticated with the Accessible: Sophisticated material is presented in the text, but not a lot of prior knowledge is assumed. The background needed for the course is there. The combination of depth of material and ease of exposition is the reason that graduate students and faculty alike have kept their copies of Chiang from their undergraduate days. 3.Many new, innovative examples based on current economics. 4.Expanded applications, especially in chapters 8,11, and 12. New chapter covering envelope theorem, maximum value function, and duality. In part five add a new chapter on optimal control theory and modernize the models. Delete part 6 (Mathematical Programming) and move nonlinear programming (21) to follow Optimization with equality constraints (12). 5.A Classic Text: Chiang literally wrote the book on the subject matter and is one of the most widely-respected Economics texts in the world. 目錄 PART Ⅰ: INTRODUCTION Ch 1 The Nature of Mathematical Economics Ch 2 Economic Models PART Ⅱ: STATIC (OR EQUILIBRIUM) ANALYSIS Ch 3 Equilibrium Analysis in Economics Ch 4 Linear Models and Matrix Algebra Ch 5 Linear Models and Matrix Algebra (continued) PART Ⅲ: COMPARATIVE-STATIC ANALYSIS Ch 6 Comparative Statics and the Concept of Derivative Ch 7 Rules of Differentiation and Their use in Comparative Statics Ch 8 Comparative-Static Analysis of General-Function Models PART Ⅳ: OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS Ch 9 Optimization A Special Variety of Equilibrium Analysis Ch10 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Ch11 The Case of More than One Choice Variable Ch12 Optimization with Equality Constraints Ch13 Further Topics in Optimization PART Ⅴ: DYNAMIC ANALYSIS Ch14 Economic Dynamics and Integral Calculus Ch15 Continuous Time: First-Order Differential Equations Ch16 Higher-Order Differential Equations Ch17 Discrete Time: First-Order Difference Equations Ch18 Higher-Order Difference Equations Ch19 Simultaneous Differential Equations and Difference Equations Ch20 Optimal Control Theory