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Organic Chemistry 9/e AE +作者:Brown +年份:2023 年9 版 +ISBN:9789815077360 +書號:CE0306PC +規格:平裝/彩色 +頁數:1378 +出版商:Cengage 目錄 1. Covalent Bonding and Shapes of Molecules. 2. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes. 3. Stereochemistry and Chirality. 4. Acids and Bases. 5. Alkenes. 6. Reactions of Alkenes. 7. Alkynes. 8. Haloalkanes, Halogenation, and Radical Reactions. 9. Nucleophilic Substitution and β -Elimination. 10. Alcohols. 11. Ethers, Epoxides, and Sulfides. 12. Infrared Spectroscopy. 13. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. 14. Mass Spectrometry. 15. Introduction to Organometallic Compounds. 16. Aldehydes and Ketones. 17. Carboxylic Acids. 18. Functional Derivatives of Carboxylic Acids. 19. Enolate Anions and Enamines. 20. Dienes, Conjugated Systems, and Pericyclic Reactions. 21. Benzene and the Concept of Aromaticity. 22. Reactions of Benzene and Its Derivatives. 23. Amines. 24. Catalytic Carbon–Carbon Bond Formation. 25. Carbohydrates. 26: Organic Polymer Chemistry. 27. Lipids. 28. Amino Acids and Proteins. 29. Nucleic Acids. Appendices: 1. Thermodynamics and the Equilibrium Constant. 2. Major Classes of Organic Acids. 3. Bond Dissociation Enthalpies. 4. Characteristic 1H-NMR Chemical Shifts. 5. Characteristic 13C Chemical Shifts. 6. Characteristic Infrared Absorption Frequencies. 7. Electrostatic Potential Maps. 8. Summary of Stereochemical Terms. 9. Summary of the Rules of Nomenclature. 10. Organic Chemistry Reaction Roadmaps.