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Power System Analysis and Design SI 7/e +作者:Glover +年份:2023 年7 版 +ISBN:9780357676196 +書號:EE0507P +規格:平裝/單色 +頁數:880 +出版商:Cengage 內容簡介 ●ENGAGING, DETAILED DESIGN PROBLEMS PREPARE STUDENTS FOR PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS. Five long-term design projects, designed specifically to current ABET requirements, provide hands-on experience that equips students with the skills to resolve common on-the-job challenges. ●EMPHASIS ON REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS KEEPS CONTENT RELEVANT FOR STUDENTS. The authors highlight contemporary, practical applications with discussions that focus on the most recent, emerging technologies including renewable energy sources, HVDC transmission, energy storage and eco-gas switchgear. ●POWERWORLD® SIMULATION IS SEAMLESSLY INTEGRATED THROUGHOUT THIS EDITION. Your students work with the latest PowerWorld® Simulator package version 22, which extends the book's fully worked examples into computer implementations of the solutions. Text author Thomas Overbye, also founder of PowerWorld®, ensures continuous integration of the software with the book's content. (Currently, PowerWorld is only compatible with Microsoft® Windows operating systems. 目錄 1. INTRODUCTION. 2. FUNDAMENTALS. 3. POWER TRANSFORMERS. 4. TRANSMISSION-LINE PARAMETERS. 5. TRANSMISSION LINES: STEADY-STATE OPERATION. 6. POWER FLOWS. 7. POWER SYSTEM ECONOMICS AND OPTIMIZATION. 8. SYMMETRICAL FAULTS. 9. SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS. 10. UNSYMMETRICAL FAULTS. 11. SYSTEM PROTECTION. 12. POWER SYSTEM STABILITY. 13. POWER SYSTEM CONTROLS. 14. TRANSMISSION LINES: TRANSIENT OPERATION. 15. POWER DISTRIBUTION.