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Service Management: Operations,Strategy, Information Technology 作 / 譯 者 : Sanjeev K. Bordoloi,James A. Fitzsimmons,Mona J. Fitzsimmons I S B N - 13 : 9781265075538 I S B N - 10 : 1265075530 類 別: 服務作業管理 版 次: 10 版 年 份: 2023 規 格: 524 頁 出 版 商: McGraw Hill Education 內容簡介 Bordoloi's Service Management 10e contains extensive coverage of the impacts of COVID-19 including the service innovation and progress experienced by a global pandemic. Written in an engaging literary style, based on research and consulting experience of authors, it focuses on service for competitive advantage and integrates technology, operations, and human behavior and the need for continuous quality improvement to be effective in a global environment. This edition continues to acknowledge and emphasize the essential uniqueness of service management. The book is written in an engaging literary style, makes extensive use of examples, and is based on the research and consulting experience of the authors. The theme of managing services for competitive advantage is emphasized in each chapter and provides a focus for each management topic. The integration of technology, operations, and human behavior is recognized as central to effective service management. Emphasis is placed on the need for continuous improvement in quality and productivity in order to compete effectively in a global environment. Each chapter begins with a vignette of a well-known company to motivate the reader and illustrate the strategic nature of the topic to be covered. Each chapter has a preview, a closing summary, key terms and definitions, a service benchmark, topics for discussion, an interactive exercise, solved problems and exercises when appropriate, and one or more cases. 目錄 PART I: UNDERSTANDING SERVICES Ch 1 The Service Economy Ch 2 Service Strategy PART II: DESIGNING THE SERVICE ENTERPRISE Ch 3 New Service Development Ch 4 The Service Encounter Ch 5 Supporting Facility and Process Flows Ch 6 Service Quality Ch 7 Process Improvement Supplement: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Ch 8 Service Facility Location PART III: MANAGING SERVICE OPERATIONS Ch 9 Service Supply Relationships Ch10 Globalization of Services Ch11 Managing Capacity and Demand Ch12 Managing Waiting Lines Ch13 Capacity Planning and Queuing Models Supplement: Computer Simulation PART IV: QUANTITATIVE MODELS FOR SERVICE MANAGEMENT Ch14 Forecasting Demand for Services Ch15 Managing Service Inventory Ch16 Managing Service Projects