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International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 作 / 譯 者 : Jonathan P. Doh,Fred Luthans,Ajai S. Gaur I S B N - 13 : 9781266097904 I S B N - 10 : 1266097902 類 別: 國際企業管理 版 次: 12 版 年 份: 2024 規 格: 619 頁 出 版 商: McGraw Hill Education 內容簡介 The 12th edition of International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior takes a user-friendly, well-balanced approach in covering all the critical dimensions and the interdependencies between them. This edition covers environment and OB/HRM over three chapters each, along with Culture and Strategy getting their own four chapters. The text also emphasizes a balance of research and application. The 12th edition has been updated to reflect how the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the fundamental assumptions about how international business is conducted. The authors also incorporated coverage of emerging markets that are facing a high level of stress and how the development of new technology, such as artificial intelligence and robotics, will result in fundamental changes to the global job market. This edition also marks the addition of a new author, Ajai Gaur, a Professor of Strategy and International Business at Rutgers University. Ajai brings subject expertise in global business strategy, emerging markets, institutions, and a range of other topics. He also has deep ties and links to East and South Asia and helps to further "globalize" the book. 目錄 PART I: ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATION Ch 1 Globalization and International Linkages Ch 2 The Political, Legal, and Technological Environment Ch 3 Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability PART II: THE ROLE OF CULTURE Ch 4 The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture Ch 5 Managing Across Cultures Ch 6 Organizational Cultures and Diversity Ch 7 Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation PART III: INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Ch 8 Strategy Formulation and Implementation Ch 9 Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures Ch10 Managing Political Risk, Government Relations, and Alliances Ch11 Management Decision and Control PART IV: ORGANZIATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Ch12 Motivation Across Cultures Ch13 Leadership Across Cultures Ch14 Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures