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內容簡介 Parker's PLANT & SOIL SCIENCE: FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS, 2nd STUDENT EDITION, leads the learner through four sections: Introduction to Plants, Fundamentals of Soil Science, Fundamentals of Plant Growth and Propagation, and Crops -- Applied Plant and Soil Science. Each of the 28 chapters features learning objectives, key terms (defined in the glossary), tables, charts, illustrations and color photographs to aid the learning and teaching process. Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter are tied to review questions at the end of each chapter, and additional resources are also listed. A "Knowledge Applied" section contains student activities designed to get the students "doing" so that they begin "understanding" plant and soil science. For interested students, the final chapter presents skills and education necessary for a plant and soil science career path. 目次 Part I: INTRODUCTION TO PLANTS. 1. The Plant Kingdom. 2. Origins of Cultivated Plants. 3. Structure of Cultivated Plants. 4. Anatomy of Plants. Part II: FUNDAMENTALS OF SOIL SCIENCE. 5. Soil Materials and Formation. 6. Soil Characteristics, Classifications and Use. 7. Soil Fertility and Management. 8. Soil-less Plant Production. 9. Irrigation. 10. Soil and Organic Farming. Part III: FUNDAMENTALS OF PLANT GROWTH AND PROPAGATION. 11. Temperature. 12. Light. 13. Photosynthesis. 14. Respiration. 15. Basics of Plant Growth. 16. Vegetative Growth. 17. Plant Propagation. 18. Plant Pests. 19. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. 20. Precision Agriculture and Robotics. Part IV: CROPS -- APPLIED PLANT SCIENCE. 21. Major Agronomic Crops. 22. Cereal Grains, Forage Grasses and Oil Seeds. 23. Food Legumes and Forage Legumes. 24. Vegetables. 25. Small Fruits. 26. Fruit and Nut Production. 27. Flowers and Foliage. 28. Sod Production. 29. Careers in Plant and Soil Sciences. Glossary. Appendices. Index.