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A Studio Guide to Interior Design leads you through the creative process of developing an interior design proposal. From reading existing buildings, to presenting the final design, each stage is illustrated with analytical diagrams demonstrating clearly the workflow, processes and skills needed at each stage of the design process. Throughout the book there are key references to drawing, digital practice, author illustrated diagrams and design precedents. The book shows how to effectively read existing architecture and interiors and sets out orthographic drawing principles, to be used as an integral part of conceptual design development. It also looks at the integration of technology within the design process. The book has a complementary focus towards hand drawing and digital practice and uses a case study driven, diagrammatic approach so students can readily apply programmatic concepts to their own project context. Ideally suited to students at the beginning of their course, the book covers everything students need to get to grips with early on in their studies and features a wealth of pedagogical features