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The TOEFL Primary Reading and Listening Tests are part of the TOEFL® Family of Assessments developed especially for young English learners above the age of 8. They aim to measure their English language skills and stimulate their potential in reading and listening. The tests help assess students’ English proficiency using international standards. They serve as a valid assessment for parents and educators to establish educational goals, track progress, and identify areas of strength. Assessment levels: Step 1: A paper test for beginner students. Divided into two parts: reading and listening, each 30 minutes. Step 2: A paper test for young students who have acquired some communicative English skills. Divided into two parts: reading and listening, each 30 minutes. Online Resources: ◆ Answer Key ◆ MP3 Files ◆ Listening Test Audio Script Scan the QR code and click “資源下載” to download online resources! TOEFL Primary測驗是為八歲以上學童量身打造的英語能力測驗。作為許多孩子學英文後第一次正式檢定,本測驗旨在評量學童英語程度,啟發學童的聽力與閱讀潛能。 本測驗是根據國際測驗標準設計,可作為學童英語能力之依據,協助教師和家長制定學習方向,追蹤學習進度,了解學童優勢。 本測驗共分二級: Step 1:適合英語初學者,測驗分為聽力及閱讀兩部分,各30分鐘。 Step 2:適合具備一定聽讀能力的學童,測驗分為聽力及閱讀兩部分,各30分鐘。 本書特色: ◆ 完整一回聽讀能力測驗,全真模擬考試情境 ◆ 測驗標準與國際接軌,題目具信度及效度 ◆ 附解答、聽力MP3檔及聽力稿等網路資源 掃描QR code,點選「資源下載」,即可下載測驗聽力檔!