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Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture focuses on the function and design of the various components necessary to process information digitally. This title presents computing systems as a series of layers, taking a bottom-up approach by starting with low-level hardware and progressing to higher-level software. Its focus on real-world examples and practical applications encourages students to develop a "big-picture" understanding of how essential organization and architecture concepts are applied in the computing world. In addition to direct correlation with the ACM/IEEE guidelines for computer organization and architecture, the text exposes readers to the inner workings of a modern digital computer through an integrated presentation of fundamental concepts and principles. The Fifth Edition of Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture was awarded the William Holmes McGuffey Longevity Award ("McGuffey") from the Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA). The McGuffy award recognizes textbooks and learning materials whose excellence has been demonstrated over time. Key concepts are presented clearly in an approachable writing style. The authors omit unnecessary jargon and avoid abstraction to boost student enthusiasm. Bottom-up approach-the text is carefully structured so that the reader understands one level before moving on to the next. Real-world examples allow students a better understanding of how technology and techniques are combined for practical purposes. Sidebars include interesting tidbits of information that go a step beyond the main focus of the chapter, thus allowing readers to delve further into the material. Navigate Advantage includes MARIE (Machine Architecture that is Really Intuitive and Easy), which allows students to learn the essential concepts of computer organization and architecture. Despite its simplicity, it simulates a functional system. The MARIE machine simulator, MarieSim, has a user-friendly GUI that allows students to (1) create and edit source code, (2) assemble source code into machine object code, (3) run machine code, and (4) debug programs. Computer Organization Computer Architecture Computer Organization & Assembly Language