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Description Talaro’s Foundations in Microbiology: Basic Principles is an allied health microbiology text with a taxonomic approach to the disease chapters. It offers an engaging and accessible writing style through the use of case studies and analogies to thoroughly explain difficult microbiology concepts. Table of Contents 1. The Main Themes of Microbiology 2. The Chemistry of Biology 3. Tools of the Laboratory: Methods of Studying Microorganisms 4. A Survey of Prokaryotic Cells and Microorganisms 5. A Survey of Eukaryotic Cells and Microorganisms 6. An Introduction to Viruses, Viroids, and Prions 7. Microbial Nutrition, Ecology, and Growth 8. An Introduction to Microbial Metabolism: The Chemical Crossroads of Life 9. An Introduction to Microbial Genetics 10. Genetic Engineering: A Revolution in Molecular Biology 11. Physical and Chemical Agents for Microbial Control 12. Drugs, Microbes, Host--The Elements of Chemotherapy 13. Microbe-Human Interactions: Infection, Disease, and Epidemiology 14. An Introduction to Host Defenses and Innate Immunities 15. Adaptive, Specific Immunity and Immunization 16. Disorders in Immunity 17. Procedures for Identifying Pathogens and Diagnosing Infections