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Go! Chinese 教材是一套針對第二語言學習者設計的中文產品。本系列參考了美國外語教學(ACTFL)五 大目標(5Cs)以及加拿大多倫多外語教育課程大綱,採用主題式課程設計,課程內容圍繞著學生的日常 生活。本套教材的一大特點是採用螺旋式教學法,學生通過反覆訓練和學習來鞏固所學,溫故知新。 每課也適當加入學習任務和社交活動,讓學生實際運用所學。 Go! Chinese 系列每級包括學生用書、作業本、以及教師手冊。初級系列共分四級(Go100-Go400),側 重詞彙與語法的學習,培養學生的基本口語社交能力,每級的學習時間約為60小時。中級系列共分四 級(Go500-Go800),側重文化與表達能力,訓練學生用中文與他人交換意見,表達思想,每級的學習時 間約為80小時。教師手冊提供各課教案及作業本參考答案,教師可隨時上網免費下載。 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Comprising eight levels, Go! Chinese helps students develop all four language skills across the three modes of communication (interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational). Students will have opportunities to explore Chinese culture and compare different cultures, make connections with other discipline areas, and extend their learning experiences to their homes and communities. Activities such as role play, interviews, games, pair work, and language exchanges are incorporated to allow students to communicate in meaningful contexts. Go! Chinese is divided into two series: Beginner (Levels 1-4) and Intermediate (Levels 5-8). The Beginner Series is designed for elementary school students with little or no background in Chinese and aims to equip them with basic vocabulary and common expressions for everyday interactions. The Intermediate Series is suitable for middle school students and places more emphasis on cultural comparison, self-expression, and opinion exchange. Each level consists of a Textbook and a Workbook. The Textbook offers 10 lessons focusing on topics relevant to the everyday life with emphasis on listening and speaking. The Workbook offers 10 lessons and two review units featuring a wide variety of practices with emphasis on reading and writing. The program’s companion site offers additional resources for teachers and students. KEY ENHANCEMENTS • New listening practices (Levels 1-4) • New language tips and cultural notes (Levels 1-4) • Revised reading comprehension questions in Chinese (Levels 1-4) • Cultural notes in both Chinese and English (Levels 5-8) • New images and updated content (All levels) • A new companion site that offers interactive vocabulary flashcards, Chinese typing practices, reading practices, audio recordings of vocabulary, reading passages, and listening practices, as well as password-protected instructor resources such as instructor manual, answer key, and audio files. Visit gochinesetc.cengageclt.com (All levels) ANCILLARIES Companion site, Instructor manual, Listening practices, Answer key, Audio files MARKET AUDIENCE • Elementary school students learning Chinese at the beginning level (Levels 1-4). • Middle school students learning Chinese at the intermediate level (Levels 5-8).