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【簡介】 【B2 First for Schools (FCE) 官方解題訓練本】 ■ 適用於考衝前期熟悉題型、鍛鍊解題技巧用 ■ 書封數字代表題本新舊,數字越大題本越新。 ■ 每冊含六回完整擬真試題,前兩份試題提供步驟詳細的專家導讀,其餘四份考題則依考生常犯錯誤及語言常見弱點編寫模擬試題,提供考生練習機會。 ■ 附解答版另附:電子書eBook、聽力逐字稿及教學指引 ■ 音檔下載網址:cambridge.org/firstforschoolstrainer2 ■ 延伸閱讀:劍橋英檢特輯:B2 First (FCE) 官方備考書單 ■ 想額外加強學生閱讀能力嗎? 歡迎參考:劍橋兒童閱讀選集 Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies ★ 購買提示: 自修者及教師建議購買附解答及聽力版 (with Answers with Audio) 課堂使用可購買無解答版 (without Answers) Cambridge English: First for Schools is a certificate that shows a pupil can deal with everyday written and spoken English at an intermediate level. First for Schools Trainer 2 is the perfect companion for Cambridge English: First for Schools exam preparation. The content and treatment of topics are particularly targeted at the interests and experience of school pupils. First for Schools Trainer 2 includes six full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. The first two tests are fully guided with tips and advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by a bank of real candidates’ exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need most help.