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【簡介】 結合雅思考試語言技能培養 (Learning Strategies)、應試技巧 (Skills Practice) 及 全真試題 (Exam Practice) 於一冊。課程豐富扎實,另提供多元線上練習活動, 教師可依學生語言需求彈性安排課程進程。 ■ Corpus 課程融入劍橋語料庫,收錄雅思考生常犯錯誤,提點考生有效運用正確的單字及文法。 ■ Exam Tips 富含應試技巧解析,協助考生掌握得分關鍵,考取目標分數。 ■ Exam Practice 擷取雅思全真考題作為各單元學習總結,有效協助考生備考。 ■ Digital Pack 線上資源包含:學生課本電子書 eBook、Digital Workbook 額外線上聽說讀寫雅思練習 ■ 延伸閱讀:雅思官方備考主教材-Mindset for IELTS ★購買提示: 學生課本附線上帳號 (拆封不退),隨書附解答 程度對應說明: Level Foundation > below IELTS Band 5.5 Level 1 > IELTS Band 5.5 Level 2 > IELTS Band 6.5 Level 3 > IELTS Band 7.5 or above MINDSET, the multi-level course from the organisation that produces the IELTS test, develops students’ English skills and leaves them fully prepared for test day. MINDSET, the 4-level course from Cambridge, gets you inside the IELTS test. Its unique blend of print and online content enables you to customise course length and focus to suit your needs. Topic-based units cover each of the four skills in turn, making it easy to find what you want. Each level includes learning strategies, skills practice and exam practice designed to help students achieve their target band score. Online skills modules provide additional practice, and Corpus informed modules help learners avoid common mistakes. Suitable for students preparing for the Academic Module, the course provides access to authentic online practice tests in Testbank. Designed with teachers in mind, MINDSET provides support and advice for teachers new to IELTS, and clear links between activities and the test ensure maximum confidence in class.