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【簡介】 Straightforward and easy to read, Zill's A FIRST COURSE IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MODELING APPLICATIONS, 12th EDITION, gives you a thorough overview of the topics typically taught in a first course in differential equations. Your study of differential equations and its applications is supported by a bounty of pedagogical aids, including an abundance of examples, explanations, "Remarks" boxes, definitions and more. 【目錄】 Ch 1 Introduction to Differential Equations Ch 2 First-Order Differential Equations Ch 3 Modeling with First-Order Differential Equations Ch 4 Higher-Order Diffential Equations Ch 5 Modeling with Higher-Order Differential Equations Ch 6 Series Solutions of Linear Equations Ch 7 The Laplace Transform Ch 8 Systems of Lineasr Differential Equations Ch 9 Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations