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作(編/譯)者 : BONNICK 出版年份 : 2011 ISBN : 9780080969985 書號 : MX0474 幾色 : 1 規格 : 平裝 發行公司 : TAYLOR & FRANCIS 英文書名中譯 : 汽車學 版次 : 3E Table of Contents: 1. Vehicle layouts and some simple vehicle structures 2. Engine principles 3. The main moving parts of an engine 4. Multi-cylinder engines 5. Firing orders and engine balance 6. Crankshaft, camshaft, and valve operating mechanisms 7. A petrol fuel system 8. Motor fuels 9. Carburettors 10. Petrol injection ─ introduction 11. Air supply and exhaust systems 12. Lubricants and engine lubrication 13. Cooling systems 14. Internal combustion engines 15. The compression ignition engine ─ diesel engine 16. Diesel fuel systems 17. Engine fault diagnosis 18. Transmission 19. Electronically controlled automatic transmission 20. Suspension systems 21. Braking systems 22. Steering, wheels, and tyres 23. Power-assisted steering 24. Computer (ECU)-controlled systems 25. Electrical and electronic principles 26. Vehicle electrical systems 27. Ignition systems 28. Electrical systems and circuits 29. Electrical and electronic fault diagnosis 30. Nuts, bolts, and spanners 31. Measuring instruments and measurement 32. Motor industry organizations and career paths