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Niebel's Methods, Standards, and Work Design 13/e 作者:Freivalds ISBN:9781259010668 版次:13 年份:2014 出版商:McGraw-Hill Description Faced with increasing global competition, every industry, business, and service organization is restructuring itself to operate more efficiently. Cost-effectiveness and optimized work design are the keys to successful activity in business, industry, and government, and are the end result of methods engineering. In the twenty-first century, it is essential that the industrial engineer consider both productivity issues and their effects on the health and safety of the worker. This comprehensive text addresses this need by integrating the traditional elements of motion and time study along with human factors and ergonomics and safety engineering. Changes in the 13th edition: A new section on work measurement applications to health care and service work in Chapter 16. Updates to reflect current industry standards throughout. 10-15 percent more problems than the previous edition. New version of the time study program, QuickTS, for the iPad and iPhone. Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: METHODS, STANDARDS, AND WORK DESIGN: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2: PROBLEM-SOLVING TOOLS CHAPTER 3: OPERATION ANALYSIS CHAPTER 4: MANUAL WORK DESIGN CHAPTER 5: WORKPLACE, EQUIPMENT, AND TOOL DESIGN CHAPTER 6: WORK ENVIRONMENT DESIGN CHAPTER 7: DESIGN OF COGNITIVE WORK CHAPTER 8: WORKPLACE AND SYSTEMS SAFETY CHAPTER 9: PROPOSED METHOD IMPLEMENTATION CHAPTER 10: TIME STUDY CHAPTER 11: PERFORMANCE RATING AND ALLOWANCES CHAPTER 12: STANDARD DATA AND FORMULAS CHAPTER 13: PREDETERMINED TIME SYSTEMS CHAPTER 14: WORK SAMPLING CHAPTER 15: INDIRECT AND EXPENSE LABOR STANDARDS CHAPTER 16: STANDARDS FOLLOW-UP AND USES CHAPTER 17: WAGE PAYMENT CHAPTER 18: TRAINING AND OTHER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES APPENDIX 1: GLOSSARY APPENDIX 2: HELPFUL FORMULAS APPENDIX 3: SPECIAL TABLES