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Cambridge Essential English Dictionary 版 次: 2 版 作 者: Cambridge I S B N - 13 : 9780521170925 分 類: 字典 系 列: 年 份: 2011 英 文 類 型: 英文 適 用 程 度: Beginner to Pre-intermediate C E F R Level: A1-A2-B1 商 品 型 式: 平裝 頁 數: 504 頁 內容簡介 學生第一次使用密密麻麻的英語學習字典必定會覺得十分挫折,但是如果你是使用劍橋「基礎精粹英語字典」就完全不會有這個問題。 本字典的單字詞解釋簡單易懂,以 English Profile 研究為語料基礎,收集眾多情境例句,並在字彙旁標有級別,讓學生一眼辨認重點單字。第二版「基礎精粹英語字典」全新收編 A1-B1 學生必學字彙,非常適合準備考YLE、KET/PET 和 For School 的學生。 一萬五千個最新字彙,數百條真實說寫情境例句,「常犯錯誤」整理劍橋學習語料庫範例,字義及例句常有附圖,十六頁全彩圖像字彙學習,還有非常貼心的類作頁手冊型引導手冊,幫助學生迅速學習字典使用方法。另附線上字典連結網址。 Using a learner's dictionary for the first time can be daunting, but the Cambridge Essential English Dictionary makes that first step easier for learners with short definitions that are easy to understand, and lots of example sentences to put the language into context. Mapped to a ground-breaking research programme, English Profile, this brand new edition of the Cambridge Essential English Dictionary now clearly marks essential vocabulary that students need to know at A1-B1 levels and helps students successfully prioritise learning. Ideal for KET, PET and Starters, Movers and Flyers Tests preparation. Key Features ‧Over 15,000 up-to-date words with clear and easy to understand definitions ‧Hundreds of short, natural example sentences show exactly how the language is naturally used in spoken and written English ‧'Common Error' boxes, based on the Cambridge Learner Corpus, help avoid mistakes that learners of English typically make ‧Hundreds of illustrations and sixteen pages of colour pictures aid vocabulary learning and make it ideal for self-study ‧Workbook-style Guide to the dictionary helps develop dictionary skills ‧Access code to a free online dictionary and extra help with vocabulary learning