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【簡介】 Description This book is an introduction to numerical methods for students in engineering. It covers the usual topics found in an engineering course: solution of equations, interpolation and data fitting, solution of differential equations, eigenvalue problems, and optimization. The algorithms are implemented in Python 3, a high-level programming language that rivals MATLAB in readability and ease of use. All methods include programs showing how the computer code is utilized in the solution of problems. The book is based on Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python, which used Python 2. Apart from the migration from Python 2 to Python 3, the major change in this new text is the introduction of the Python plotting package Matplotlib. 【目錄】 Table of Contents 1. Introduction to Python 2. Systems of linear algebraic equations 3. Interpolation and curve fitting 4. Roots of equations 5. Numerical differentiation 6. Numerical integration 7. Initial value problems 8. Two-point boundary value problems 9. Symmetric matrix eigenvalue problems 10. Introduction to optimization.