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Introduction to Spectroscopy 5/e 有機光譜學 +作者:Pavia +年份:2015 年5 版 +ISBN:9789865632021 +書號:CE0241 +規格:菊8開/平裝/單色 +頁數:784 +出版商:聖智學習 A TRUSTED, PROVEN RESOURCE: For more than 30 years, this text has proven to be an excellent resource for spectroscopy students and those seeking a solid introductory reference text on spectroscopy. MODERN COVERAGE: The book provides a modern presentation on one-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. DETAILED COVERAGE: The mass spectrometry material in Chapter 8 provides a detailed look at biological molecules for the latest coverage on this important topic. NEWEST SPECTRA TECHNIQUES: The latest spectra techniques are provided in Appendix 10, "Index of Spectra". UP-TO-DATE SPECTROGRAPHS: Throughout the text, spectrographs are created with the latest techniques to ensure accuracy. 目錄 1. Molecular Formulas and What Can Be Learned from Them. 2. Infrared Spectroscopy. 3. Mass Spectrometry Part One: Basic Theory, Instrumentation, and Sampling Techniques. 4. Mass Spectrometry Part Two: Fragmentation and Structural Analysis. 5. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Part One: Basic Concepts. 6. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Part Two: Carbon-13 Spectra, Including Heteronuclear Coupling with Other Nuclei. 7. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Part Three: Spin-Spin Coupling. 8. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Part Four: Other Topics in One-Dimensional NMR. 9. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Part Five: Advanced NMR Techniques. 10. Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. 11. Combined Structure Problems. Answers to Selected Problems.