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作 / 譯 者 : Tom Tietenberg,Lynne Lewis I S B N - 13 : 9781292060798 I S B N - 10 : 1292060794 類 別: 環境/自然資源經濟學 版 次: 10 版 年 份: 2015 出 版 商: Pearson Education 簡介: Gain flexibility in your course outlines 1.A course in natural resource economics might cover Chapters 1 to 14 and 22 to 24. A brief introduction to environmental economics could be added by assigning Chapter 15. 2.A course in environmental economics could cover Chapters 1 to 5 or 15 to 21. Chapter 7 could be added if a brief introduction to natural economics seems desirable. Use relevant material 1.International coverage is woven throughout, with significant attention given to environmental problems and policies in Eastern and Western Europe, China, and developing nations. 2.Expanded topics on oil and gas, UN’s Redd program, BP/Deepwater horizontal spill in the Gulf of Mexico, cash for clunkers, Taxes vs. Allowances debate in the presence of uncertainty and much more current information help students relate to the course material. Engage students with self-test exercises, debates, and examples 1.Self-test exercises (numerical problems, graphical manipulations and word problems) let students understand hallmark concepts before moving though the text. 2.Data tables include recent economic studies. 3.Example boxes provide crucial real-world context for economic theory, touching on topics such as hazardous pollutant emissions from iron and steel foundries. 目錄: Ch 1 Visions of the Future Ch 2 The Economic Approach: Property Rights, Externalities, and Environmental Problems Ch 3 Evaluating Trade-Offs: Benefit-Cost Analysis and Other Decision-Making Metrics Ch 4 Valuing the Environment: Methods Ch 5 Dynamic Efficiency and Sustainable Development Ch 6 Depletable Resource Allocation: The Role of Longer Time Horizons, Substitutes, and Extraction Cost Ch 7 Energy: The Transition from Depletable to Renewable Resources Ch 8 Recyclable Resources: Minerals, Paper, Bottles, and E-Waste Ch 9 Water: A Confluence of Renewable and Depletable Resources Ch10 A Locationally Fixed, Multipurpose Resource: Land Ch11 Storable, Renewable Resources: Forests Ch12 Common-Pool Resources: Commercially Valuable Fisheries Ch13 Ecosystem Goods and Services: Nature’s Threatened Bounty Ch14 Economics of Pollution Control: An Overview Ch15 Stationary-Source Local and Regional Air Pollution Ch16 Climate Change Ch17 Mobile-Source Air Pollution Ch18 Water Pollution Ch19 Toxic Substances and Environmental Justice Ch20 The Quest for Sustainable Development Ch21 Visions of the Future Revisited Answers to self-Test Exercises Glossary Name Index Subject Index