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Description Managing effectively across national and cultural boundaries is critical to the success of today’s organisations, given the global environment of business and the increasing diversity of workforces. A keen awareness and a high degree of cross-cultural competence in management are therefore key to the career success of both present and aspiring managers/professionals. This, the third edition of Understanding Cross-Cultural Management, has been adapted in line with the feedback from our many readers. The book explores the key themes and issues in one of the most challenging and fascinating areas of business, organisational and social life. It does so in a manner that enables you to sharpen your insights and practical skills. Table of Contents PART ONE: CULTURE AND MANAGEMENT Introduction Chapter 1: Determinants of culture Chapter 2: Dimensions of culture in business Chapter 3: Business cultures in the Western world Chapter 4: Business cultures in Asia, Africa and Middle East Chapter 5: Cultural dimensions and dilemmas Chapter 6: Culture and styles of management Final activities PART TWO CULTURE AND ORGANISATIONS Introduction Chapter 7: Culture and corporate structures Chapter 8: Culture and leadership Chapter 9: Culture and corporate strategy Chapter 10: Culture change in organisations Chapter 11: Culture and international marketing management Chapter 12: Cultural diversity in organisations Final activities PART THREE CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION Introduction Chapter 13: Business communication across cultures Chapter 14: Barriers to interculural communication Chapter 15: Negotiating internationally Chapter 16: Working with international teams Chapter 17: Conflicts and cultural differences Chapter 18: Developing intercultural communicative competence Final activities Back Cover Managing effectively across national and cultural boundaries is critical to the success of today’s organisations, given the global environment of business and the increasing diversity of workforces. A keen awareness and a high degree of cross-cultural competence in management are therefore key to the career success of both present and aspiring managers/professionals. This, the third edition of Understanding Cross-Cultural Management, has been adapted in line with the feedback from our many readers. The book explores the key themes and issues in one of the most challenging and fascinating areas of business, organisational and social life. It does so in a manner that enables you to sharpen your insights and practical skills. Understanding Cross-Cultural Management offers a selective but broad view of classic and contemporary thinking on cultural management and encourages you to apply theories and ideas to practice - and to relate them to your own experience - through various examples and cases from the business world as well as through a range of practical activities, including: Cross-cultural concepts, which explain key ideas from leading theorists, thinkers and practitioners. Case studies (many of them based on articles from the Financial Times), dilemmas and points for reflection, which enable you to reflect internally and interact externally. ‘Spotlights’ in every chapter, which briefly illustrate the concepts being described. Mini-cases with questions, which give consistent application of theory to practice. Activities at the end of each chapter, as well as at the end of each of the book’s three parts, which provide a broader and more integrated perspective on the material in question. These encourage you to develop both your cross-cultural management skills and a critical view of research done in this area. This book has been written for undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as practising managers and professionals, who are studying cross-cultural and international management as part of either specialist international business programmes or general business-related qualifications. Marie-Joëlle Browaeys is now freelance lecturer and researcher in cross-cultural management, affiliated to Nyenrode Business University, The Netherlands. Roger Price, formerly senior lecturer at Nyenrode Business University, The Netherlands, is a freelance coach, instructor and writer in the area of cross-cultural management.