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Applied Econometric Time Series 4/e + 作者: Enders + 年份: 2015 年4 版 + ISBN: 9781118808566 + 書號: EC0143P + 規格: 平裝/單色 + 頁數: 498 + 出版商: John Wiley Applied Econometric Time Series, 4th Edition demonstrates modern techniques for developing models capable of forecasting, interpreting, and testing hypotheses concerning economic data. In this text, Dr. Walter Enders commits to using a “learn-by-doing” approach to help readers master time-series analysis efficiently and effectively. 目錄 Chapter 1: Difference Equations Chapter 2: Stationary Time-Series Models Chapter 3: Modeling Volatility Chapter 4: Models with Trend Chapter 5: Multiequation Time-Series Models Chapter 6: Cointegration and Error-Correction Models Chapter 7: Nonlinear Models and Breaks Index