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【原文書】 書名:Cambridge IELTS 10 Student's Book with Answers(課本) 作者:Cambridge University Pr (COR) 出版社:Cambridge 出版日期:2015/04/30 ISBN:9781107464407 內容簡介 ◎學生課本 (含解答不含聽力音檔) ※若為自修使用,建議購買組合包(9781107464438) 【官方全真考古試題】 適用程度:CEF B2-C1 雅思:5.0-7.5+ 全民英檢:中高級-高級 ★ 書中以英國劍橋大學語言測評考試院所提供的真實考古題,幫助學生迅速掌握 IELTS 英語測驗的各類題型。 ★ 每冊有四份完整全真試題。 ★ 書封數字代表考題新舊,數字愈大,考題愈新。   Cambridge IELTS 10 provides students with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with IELTS and to practise examination techniques using authentic test material prepared by Cambridge English Language Assessment. It contains four complete tests for Academic module candidates, plus extra Reading and Writing modules for General Training module candidates. An introduction to these different modules is included in each book, together with with an explanation of the scoring system used by Cambridge English Language Assessment. A comprehensive section of answers and tapescripts makes the material ideal for students working partly or entirely on their own.