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Cambridge IELTS 10 Student's Book with Answers with Audio 版 次: 1 版 作 者: Cambridge ESOL I S B N - 13 : 9781107464438 分 類: IELTS 劍橋雅思國際英語測驗 系 列: Cambridge IELTS 10 年 份: 2015 英 文 類 型: 國際英語 適 用 程 度: Intermediate to Advanced C E F R Level: B1-B2-C1 商 品 型 式: 平裝書隨附帳號(拆封不退) 頁 數: 176 頁 內容簡介 ◎學生課本(附解答及聽力測驗音檔) ◎內含:四份完整學術組全真考題、一般訓練組讀寫考題範例、考題解答、線上聽力測驗音檔下載帳號、清晰的評分標準、學術組和一般訓練組考試架構比較及說明、聽力測驗逐字稿、寫作測驗參考範例及解析、可複印標準答案卷。 ★購買提示:聽力測驗音檔下載網址(www.cambridgelms.org)。 Cambridge IELTS 10 contains four authentic IELTS past papers from Cambridge English Language Assessment, providing excellent exam practice. The Student's Book with answers allows students to familiarise themselves with IELTS and to practise examination techniques using authentic tests. It contains four complete tests for Academic candidates, plus extra Reading and Writing modules for General Training candidates. An introduction to these different modules is included in each book, together with an explanation of the scoring system used by Cambridge English Language Assessment. A comprehensive section of answers and tapescripts makes the material ideal for students working partly or entirely on their own. Downloadable audio contains the listening tests material. The Student's Book and Audio CDs are also available separately.