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Soil and Water Chemistry: An Integrative Approach 2/e +作者:Essington +年份:2015 年2 版 +ISBN:9781466573154 +書號:EN0081H +規格:精裝/單色 +頁數:656 +出版商:Taylor The second edition of a bestseller, Soil and Water Chemistry: An Integrative Approach maintains the balanced perspective that made the first edition a hugely popular textbook. The second edition includes new figures and tables, new chapters, and expanded exercises in each chapter. It covers topics including soil chemical environment, soil minerals, soil organic matter, cation exchange, oxidation-reduction, mineral weathering and solubility, surface chemistry and adsorption reactions, acidity and salinity in soil materials, and chemical thermodynamics applied to soil systems. 1 Soil Chemical Environment: An Overview 2 Soil Minerals 3 Chemical Weathering 4 Organic Matter in Soil 5 Soil Water Chemistry 6 Mineral Solubility 7 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions in Soils 8 Surface Chemistry and Adsorption Reactions 9 Cation Exchange 10 Acidity in Soil Materials 11 Soil Salinity and Sodicity 12 Chemical Thermodynamics Applied to Soil Systems