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內容簡介 C++ Plus Data Structures, Sixth Edition explores the specifications, applications, and implementations of abstract data types with unmatched accessibility. Topics such as modularization, data encapsulation, information hiding, object-oriented decomposition, algorithm analysis, life-cycle software verification models, and data abstraction are carefully presented to foster solid software engineering techniques.NEW & KEY FEATURES OF THE SIXTH EDITION: UPDATED - Updated with new C++11 features including range-based for loops and threads NEW - Includes a new Chapter 10, Trees Plus, that emphasizes balancing of search trees by covering AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, and B-Trees NEW - Includes a new chapter on Sets, Maps, and Hashing NEW - Chapter 12, Sorting, now includes practical performance issues and parallel merge sort NEW - Chapters in the second half of the text are now easier to assign in alternate orders, supporting a wider range of course goals and organizations NEW - Modern new design enhances the look and feel of the text STUDENT FAVORITE - Pedagogical features include: chapter openers with goals, marginal definition boxes, algorithm boxes, C++ boxes, function boxes, case studies, chapter summary, and end of chapter exercises 產品目錄 Ch1: Software Engineering Principles Ch2: Data Design and Implementation Ch3: ADT Unsorted List Ch4: ADT Sorted List Ch5: ADTs Stack and Queue Ch6: Lists Plus Ch7: Programming with Recursion Ch8: Binary Search Trees Ch9: Heaps, Priority Queues, and Heap Sort Ch10: Trees Plus Ch11: Sets, Maps, and Hashing Ch12: Sorting Ch13: Graphs