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書名:Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test: Listening and Reading, Introductory Course with MP3 CD/1片 and Script without Answer Key 6/e 作者:Lin Lougheed 出版社:Pearson 出版日期:2018/02/00 ISBN:9780134984841 內容簡介 Description Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test: Listening and Reading, Introductory Course, gives students the skills, strategies, practice, and confidence they need to increase their scores on the Listening and Reading sections of the TOEIC test. Ideal for a TOEIC test preparation course or for self- study, the Introductory Course is intended for students who achieve TOEIC test scores from 100 to 400. Features of the New Edition Three complete Practice Tests include TOEIC test- style answer sheets for diagnosis and assessment. 1000+ practice items reflect the actual format and content of the most TOEIC test. Language Strategies and Test Strategies in each section help learners to focus on skills and set goals. Highlighted Test Taking Tips provide grammatical explanations plus links to specific exercise for immediate help and reinforcement. New Grammar Tips and Vocabulary Tips Complete Support containing complete MP3 files, and audioscript helps students practice Listening Comprehension exercises and Listening Practice Test questions on their own.