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書名:Listening Pro 2 2/e: Total Mastery of TOEIC Listening Skills 作者:Jenny Wilsen 出版社:National Geographic 出版日期:2018/01/00 ISBN:9789869586177 內容簡介 2018年TOEIC新制考題推薦用書 課本音檔iCrane免費下載 按我前往goolgle商店 Apple手機iOS Android手機Android 1.取材反映TOEIC考試所會出現的主題,舉凡從電話留言、出差、採購,展覽、客戶服務、設定預算,到公司的產品行銷策略等各式商業、辦公室以及生活情境對話等題材均有收錄,取材多元。 2.課程架構設計符合多益的聽力測驗題型,讓學生參加多益考試前就先建立優勢。 3.每回單元都有一回多益模擬試題複習該課重點,學生不僅能做自我評量,並能更加熟悉多益相關題型,一舉兩得。 What’s New: 1.全新設計,醒目章首跨頁,精選世界各地的有趣圖片搭配主題,讓學生可以在輕鬆的情境下進行 Warm-Up課程。 2.針對2018年最新多益聽力題型精簡舊版內容,重新編排加入新的圖表試題,並更新內容,汰舊換新,以更貼近新題型的文字呈現在學生眼前。 3.搭配每一單元的Practice Test題數增加一倍,新增三人對話。並依照多益排版方法,讓學生熟悉試題。 Developed to help low-intermediate to advanced learners improve their English listening ability and help them prepare for standardized tests such as the TOEIC® test. This book includes: ● 12 practical units Units are built around a topic related to daily English, and are jam-packed with eye-catching photos to help stimulate conversation and interest ● Authentic-sounding listening passages Listening passages include two and three-person conversations, along with extended one person talks, on topics related to business and everyday English. The new conversation format takes into account the recent changes to the TOEIC® test ● Skill-building activities Each unit contains three parts with activities to help build listening comprehension ability, improve vocabulary usage, and practice self-expression and discussion skills ● Vocabulary focus One dedicated page to improve usage and understanding of core words related to the unit topic ● Practice Tests Useful 20-question tests reviewing concepts and vocabulary from the unit This series can be used as the main text for a general listening course or standardized test preparation course or as a supplement to an integrated skills course.