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Digital Logic & Microprocessor Design with Interfacing 2/e +作者:Hwang +年份:2018 年2 版 +ISBN:9781305859470 +書號:EE0485PC +規格:平裝/套色 +頁數:608 +出版商:Cengage ●WORKS SEAMLESSLY WITH LABS. You may complement the instruction in this edition with labs where students can implement the circuits on either a Xilinx or Altera FPGA development board. ●PROVEN APPROACH CLEARLY DETAILS MICROPROCESSOR CIRCUITS. The author offers a complete, easy-to-understand discussion of how a microprocessor circuit is designed. ●BOOK STARTS WITH THE FUNDAMENTALS. Students gain a solid foundation in digital logic circuits, including coverage of binary switches, basic logic gates, binary numbers, Boolean algebra, and simple combinational logic circuits, as they prepare for more advanced topics. ●STUDENTS DESIGN COMPLETE MICROPROCESSOR CIRCUITS. By the conclusion of the book, can students design a microprocessor circuits from the ground up. ●CLEAR, THOROUGH APPROACH IS IDEAL FOR INTRODUCTORY OR ADVANCED STUDENTS. With both thorough and flexible content, this book is suitable for either an introductory course in digital logic design or a more advanced course that addresses building data paths, finite-state machines and microprocessors. ●SCHEMATIC DRAWINGS DETAIL EACH COMPONENT. This edition presents complete circuits of each component using schematic drawings, Verilog code and VHDL code to ensure a thorough presentation. ●COMPLETE INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES REDUCE COURSE PREPARATION AND GRADING TIME. This edition includes time-saving, trusted instructional resources, available online and password-protected, such as solutions manual and lecture slides. 目錄 1. INTRODUCTION TO MICROPROCESSOR DESIGN. 2. FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL CIRCUITS. 3. COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS. 4. STANDARD COMBINATIONAL COMPONENTS. 5. SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS. 6. FINITE-STATE MACHINES. 7. DEDICATED MICROPROCESSORS. 8. GENERAL-PURPOSE MICROPROCESSORS. 9. INTERFACING MICROPROCESSORS. APPENDIX A – XILINX DEVELOPMENT TUTORIAL. APPENDIX B – ALTERA DEVELOPMENT TUTORIAL. APPENDIX C – VERILOG SUMMARY. APPENDIX D – VHDL SUMMARY. 會計 經濟 國際貿易 財務 企業管理 數學 機率與統計 資訊與資工 工業工程 社會與心理 醫務管理 物理 化學與化工 電子與電機 機械工程 航空工程 土木工程 環境工程 生命科學 護理 休閒觀光與餐飲 化妝品科學 其他 帳號 密碼 驗證碼 忘記密碼 | 註冊登入訂閱 / 取消滄海電子報 尊重智慧財產權 尊重智慧財產權,請用正版教科書 預防詐騙公告 滄海桌布下載 傳真訂購單 165全民防詐騙