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書名:LABOR ECONOMICS 8/E 作者:BORJAS 出版社:McGraw-Hill 出版日期:2020/00/00 ISBN:9781260565522 內容簡介 Features 1. Approach: Labor Economics is surveyed with an emphasis on both theory and facts. This approach relies more on "the economic way of thinking" than other texts. 2. Concise and Flexible: This edition remains much shorter than competing labor economics textbooks. The book contains an introductory chapter, plus 11 substantive chapters. The book continues to have each chapter serve as the basis for about a week’s worth of lectures in a typical undergraduate semester course. 目錄 Ch 1 Introduction to Labor Economics Ch 2 Labor Supply Ch 3 Labor Demand Ch 4 Labor Market Equilibrium Ch 5 Compensating Wage Differentials Ch 6 Education Ch 7 The Wage Distribution Ch 8 Labor Mobility Ch 9 Labor Market Discrimination Ch10 Labor Unions Ch11 Incentive Pay Ch12 Unemployment