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書名:Applied Calculus (Asia Edition) 7/E 作者:BERRESFORD 出版社:Cengage 出版日期:2019/00/00 ISBN:9789814853583 內容簡介 This book is an introduction to calculus and its applications to the management, social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences, and other fields. The seven-chapter Brief Applied Calculus contains more than enough material for a one-semester course, and the eleven-chapter Applied Calculus contains additional chapters on trignometry, differential equations, sequences and series, and probability for a two-semester course. The only prerequisites are some knowledge of algebra, functions, and graphing, which are reviewed in Chapter 1 and in greater detail in the Algebra Review appendix. 目錄 Ch 1 Functions Ch 2 Derivatives and Their Uses Ch 3 Further Applications of Derivatives Ch 4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Ch 5 Integration and Its Applications Ch 6 Integration Techniques Ch 7 Calculus of Several Variables Ch 8 Trignonometric Functions Ch 9 Differential Equations Ch10 Sequences and Series Ch11 Probability