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書名:Introduction to Management Science 13/e (GE) 作者:Bernard W. Taylor III 出版社:Pearson 出版日期:2019/00/00 ISBN:9781292263045 內容簡介 A logical, step-by-step approach to complex problem-solving Using simple, straightforward examples to present complex mathematical concepts, Introduction to Management Science gives students a strong foundation in how to logically approach decision-making problems. Sample problems are used liberally throughout the text to facilitate the learning process and demonstrate different quantitative techniques. Management Science presents modeling techniques that are used extensively in the business world and provides a useful framework for problem-solving that students can apply in the workplace. 1. Updated - Excel® 2016 Spreadsheet solutions are demonstrated in almost all of the chapters for virtually every management science modeling technique presented. 2. New - 175+ Spreadsheet screenshots appear throughout, most of which include reference boxes to describe the solution steps. Data files for these model solutions can be downloaded to work homework problems. 3. The latest versions of Excel QM for Windows, Risk Solver Platform for Education, TreePlan, Crystal Ball by Oracle, and Microsoft Project, used by businesses and organizations, are included and ideal for further learner exploration. 目錄 Ch 1 Management Science Ch 2 Linear Programming: Model Formulation and Graphical Solution Ch 3 Linear Programming: Computer Solution and Sensitivity Analysis Ch 4 Linear Programming: Modeling Examples Ch 5 Integer Programming Ch 6 Transportation, Transshipment, and Assignment Problems Ch 7 Network Flow Models Ch 8 Project Management Ch 9 Multicriteria Decision Making Ch10 Nonlinear Programming Ch11 Probability and Statistics Ch12 Decision Analysis Ch13 Queuing Analysis Ch14 Simulation Ch15 Forecasting Ch16 Inventory Management Appendix A: Normal and Chi-Square Tables Appendix B: Setting Up and Editing a Spreadsheet Appendix C: The Poisson and Exponential Distributions