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書名:C++ for Engineers and Scientists 4/e 作者:BRONSON 出版社:Cengage 出版日期:2013/00/00 ISBN:9781133187844 內容簡介 ●THE LATEST COVERAGE INCLUDES THE MOST RECENT C++ CODE STANDARDS AS WELL AS THE STANDARD TEMPLATE LIBRARY. This edition continues to prepare students to work with the latest developments by incorporating the most up-to-date material on the Standard Template Library as well as today's most recent C++ code standards. ●COVERAGE STARTS WITH SOLID INTRODUCTION TO PROCEDURAL PROGRAMMING BEFORE INTRODUCING OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN. This edition begins with a pragmatic, thorough introduction to procedural programming, which is ideal in preparing students to solve most of today's engineering and scientific programming challenges. The author then explains objects clearly as the book progresses ●FOUNDATIONAL COVERAGE OFFERS BOTH PROCEDURAL AND OBJECT-ORIENTED VIEWPOINTS. Your students receive the balanced introduction they need for success in engineering or science today, as the author highlights the fundamentals of software engineering from both procedural and object-oriented viewpoints. ●CLEAR PRESENTATION INTERWEAVES THOROUGH EXPLANATIONS AND FREQUENT EXAMPLES. Known for his distinct, inviting writing style, the author combines clear and complete explanations with practical, engineering-driven examples to make sure readers completely understand all the topics presented. ●INSIGHTS HELPS BEGINNING PROGRAMMERS AVOID COMMON ERRORS. The author anticipates and demonstrates how to avoid the most common programming errors that novice C++ programmers most frequently encounter. ●ENGAGING, INTERACTIVE APPLICATIONS AND FEATURES SHOWCASE ENGINEERING TOPICS. This edition's thorough applications, case studies, and career spotlights highlight a full range of today's engineering topics and their relevance to your students. ●IMPORTANT COVERAGE OF ANSI/ISO STANDARDS DEMONSTRATES THEIR INFLUENCE ON PROGRAMMING AND BUSINESS TODAY. Clear discussion educates students on ANSI/ISO standards and their role in ensuring consistent performance and product characteristics. 目錄 PART I: FUNDAMENTALS OF C++ PROGRAMMING. 1. Preliminaries. 2. Problem Solving Using C++. 3. Assignment, Formatting, and Interactive Input. 4. Selection Structures. 5. Repetition Statements. 6. Modularity Using Functions. 7. Arrays. 8. I/O Streams and Data Files. 9. Completing the Basics. 10. Pointers. PART II: OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING. 11. Introduction to Classes. 12. Adding Functionality to Your Classes. PART III: ADDITIONAL TOPICS. 13. Structures. 14. Numerical Methods. 15. Bit Operations (Online Chapter). APPENDICES: A. Operator Precedence Table. B. ASCII Character Codes. C. Floating-Point Number Storage. D. Command-Line Arguments.