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書名:Success with the New TOEIC Test 2 (QR Code Edition) 作者:Charles Tracy 出版社:Cengage 出版日期:2019/00/00 ISBN:9789579282307 內容簡介   Success with the New TOEIC® Test is a three-book series designed for students preparing to take the TOEIC® Test. The easy-to-follow strategies and varied practice exercises in this series help students develop the skills necessary to achieve the best possible score on the TOEIC Test. This series is suitable for classroom study or self-study.   KEY FEATURES   •A Diagnostic Test to help students learn how the TOEIC® Test works and determine the areas where further study is needed   •Up-to-date test-taking strategies and skills in each part with clear examples and explanations to be directly connected with the new TOEIC® Test   •Review exercises at the end of each chapter let students use the strategies and skills they've just learned   •Two full-length Practice Tests to reflect the actual TOEIC® Test in question types, content, and difficulty   •Audio QR Code® for the three TOEIC® listening sections provides instant access to online MP3 audio tracks   •Test difficulty spans from the lower intermediate in Book 1 to advanced level in Book 3   COMPONENTS   •Student Book   •Presentation Tool   •Mid-term and Final Exams