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書名:Consumer Behavior 7/E (AE) 作者:HOYER 出版社:Cengage 出版日期:2018/00/00 ISBN:9789814834230 內容簡介 Table of Contents: Part I: AN INTRODUCTION TO CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. 1. Understanding Consumer Behavior. Appendix: Developing Information about Consumer Behavior. Part II: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CORE. 2. Motivation, Ability, and Opportunity. 3. From Exposure to Comprehension. 4. Memory and Knowledge. 5. Attitudes Based on High Effort. 6. Attitudes Based on Low Effort. Part III: THE PROCESS OF MAKING DECISIONS. 7. Problem Recognition and Information Search. 8. Judgment and Decision Making Based on High Effort. 9. Judgment and Decision Making Based on Low Effort. 10. Post-Decision Processes. Part IV: THE CONSUMER’S CULTURE. 11. Social Influences on Consumer Behavior. 12. Consumer Diversity. 13. Household and Social Class Influences. 14. Psychographics: Values, Personality, and Lifestyles. Part V: CONSUMER BEHAVIOR OUTCOMES AND ISSUES. 15. Innovations: Adoption, Resistance, Diffusion. 16. Symbolic Consumer Behavior. 17. Marketing, Ethics, and Social Responsibility in Today’s Consumer Society.