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書名:Product Design and Development 7/E 作者:Ulrich 出版社:McGraw-Hill 出版日期:2019/12/00 ISBN:9781260566437 內容簡介   Designed for use in the interdisciplinary courses on product development as well as by practicing professionals, Product Design and Development 7e strikes a balanced approach between theory and practice through the authors’ emphasis on methods. 目錄 Ch 1 Introduction Ch 2 Product Development Process and Organization Ch 3 Opportunity Identification Ch 4 Product Planning Ch 5 Identifying Customer Needs Ch 6 Product Specifications Ch 7 Concept Generation Ch 8 Concept Selection Ch 9 Concept Testing Ch10 Product Architecture Ch11 Industrial Design Ch12 Design for Environment Ch13 Design for Manufacturing and Supply Chain Ch14 Prototyping Ch15 Robust Design Ch16 Patents and Intellectual Property Ch17 Service Design Ch18 Product Development Economics Ch19 Project Management