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【IELTS Academic 解題訓練本】 ◎內含六套完整擬真題 ◎另附可下載聽力音檔、聽力逐字稿及解答 ◎前兩份試題提供步驟詳細的專家導讀,其餘四份考題則依考生常犯錯誤及語言常見弱點編寫模擬試題,提供考生練習機會。 ◎適用於考衝前期熟悉題型、鍛鍊解題技巧用。 #IELTStrainer2academic #ielts #雅思自修 #雅思 #英語學習 #英檢 #Cambridge #華泰劍橋 #Cambridge #華泰劍橋 更多官方雅思書籍請至#華泰劍橋 SIX IELTS practice tests for perfect exam training, including details of the test format, question types an scoring system, plus step-by-step guidance and tips. Build your confidence by following the step-by-step guidance, tips and strategies in the Training and Exam Practice exercises in the first two practice tests. Then develop your exam technique with the final four tests. Grammar, vocabulary and writing practice exercises show you how to avoid common mistakes. The resources download includes audio for the Listening tests, audio scripts, the answer key with clear explanations and model writing answers. ***華泰文化總代理商品*** IELTS Trainer 2 Academic 版次: 1 作者: Cambridge English Assessment ISBN-13:9781108567589 分類:IELTS 劍橋雅思國際英語測驗 年份: 2019 英文類型:國際英語 適用程度:Intermediate to Advanced CEFR Level: B1-C1 商品型式: 平裝 頁數: 184 --------------------------------------------------------------- 華泰文化為英國劍橋大學出版社(Cambridge University Press)英語學習教材總代理商,提供豐富多元的英語學習書籍,包含:兒童、青少年、成人課程主教材、YLE劍橋兒童英檢、劍橋五級國際英語認證、IELTS雅思等英檢官方備考書籍等。更多書籍請至#華泰劍橋