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書名:A Commentary on the International Health Regulations (2005)- A New Charter for Global Health Matters 作者:羅昌發 出版社:元照 條碼:9789862550267 The International Health Regulations 2005 entered into force in 2007. The Regulations are one of the most important instruments in the history of public health administration. They create new mechanisms to enhance individual and cooperative efforts of countries to deal with infectious diseases. The book explains the theoretical and practical background of the new Regulations and discusses the disease control regime under the Regulations. Policy makers of health matters, public health workers and researchers (including scholars and students) in the fields of public health as well as international health law or political science would benefit from this book. WHO在2005年通過新的「國際衛生條例」(IHR),並在2007年生效。該條例係國際公共衛生歷史上最重要的規範。該條例創設新的機制,以強化個別國家處理屬於「國際關切的公共衛生緊急事件」的傳染病的義務與能力,也強化國際合作,以共同處理與控制此種傳染病的擴散。本書解釋新的國際衛生條例的理論與實務背景,並完整討論該條例之下的疾病控制機制。衛生事務的決策者、公共衛生從業人員、公衛領域及國際衛生法與政治學領域的研究者及學生,應均可由閱讀此書而獲益。