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【進口商所提供書籍偶有書角微瑕疵,不影響閱讀 “”此書不收退 不介意書角問題再下單””】 TIMES 2000 Words to Talk About 2/e (第二版) 料號(EAN): 9789813169241 ISBN: 978-981-31-6924-1 作 者: Chia, Kathleen 出 版 社: Marshall Cavendish 適用對象: 國小/補習班 出版日期: 2018/7/15 商品配件: Others 系列名稱: TIMES Words 2/e (第二版) 內容簡介 ▌此系列適合學習年齡的圖片詞典,通過關鍵詞彙幫助學生建立堅實的英語基礎,從而為他們的英語教育搶得先機。可分開訂購。 ▌通過簡單的插圖和簡單的解釋,輔以豐富的活動和數字閃卡應用,加強學生對新單詞的學習。 About Times 1000-, 2000-, 4000-Word Series (Second Edition): * An age-appropriate picture dictionary series that helps young children build a strong foundation in the English language by providing them with key vocabulary, thus giving them a head start for their primary school education. * Reinforces young children’s learning of new words through engaging illustrations and simple explanations, supplemented by enrichment activities and a digital flashcard app * *New* Contains culturally sensitive and relatable illustrations and contexts, thus making the series relevant and appropriate for markets in Asia ■ TIMES 1000 WORDS IN PICTURES : 1000 picture words grouped according to topic within the child’s immediate experience and interest. ■ TIMES 1000 WORDS TO TALK ABOUT : 1000 ‘talk about’ words introduced together with questions that encourage the child to talk freely about the situations, people and objects shown. ■ TIMES 1000 WORDS DICTIONARY : 1000 common words, alphabetically arranged and with meanings shown in the sentences, to help build the child’s basic vocabulary. ■ TIMES 1000 ACTION WORDS : 1000 action words explained through illustrations and in the context of everyday speech. ■ TIMES 2000 WORDS TO TALK ABOUT : This book is a compilation of TIMES 1000 WORDS TO TALK ABOUT and TIMES 1000 ACTION WORDS. ■ TIMES 2000 WORDS TO START WITH : This book is a compilation of TIMES 1000 WORDS IN PICTURES and TIMES 1000 WORDS DICTIONARY. ■ TIMES GIANT BOOK OF 4000 WORDS : This book is a compilation of all the series of TIMES 1000 WORDS. ( TIMES 1000 WORDS IN PICTURES, TIMES 1000 WORDS TO TALK ABOUT, TIMES 1000 WORDS DICTIONARY, TIMES 1000 ACTION WORDS)