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【原文書部分少量特別書籍 若無貨可能須等候5-7日以上, 因”客制特別調書不收退貨” 可接受在下單】 中文翻譯2版 安寧緩和醫學手冊:以個案為基礎(Palliative Medicine: A Case-Based Manual 2/e) 330-004c/ 9789861267227 ISBN/ 9789861267227 作者/出版商 *台灣安寧緩和醫學學會/合記 出版年代/版次 2011/ 1 重量:0.85kg  頁數:448    裝訂:平裝  開數:16K  印刷:黑白 2018.07.10.初版二刷 簡介 照顧生命末期的患者,對親屬與醫護人員而言都是一項艱辛的考驗。本書藉由不同癌症與非癌症疾病個案的病例與病程,探討患者與緩和醫療團隊間的互動,以及治療過程中生理病痛與悲傷情緒之照顧,對於醫護人員應具備的專業技能、處置療法與照護方式等建議,讓患者在有限生命終止前,能緩解其身心之苦。如何讓安寧病房的患者、親屬與醫護者三方,就醫療的處置與身心靈的溝通,本書即為最佳的導引。 原文4版 Palliative Medicine: A Case-Based Manual 330-3700/9780198837008 ISBN 9780198837008 作者/出版社 重量:0.73kg 頁數:403 裝訂:平裝 開數: 24.7 x 17.2 cm 印刷:黑白 Palliative medicine is the medical care provided for people who have a life limiting illness or condition. It encompasses both the physical symptoms a person may experience but also the psychosocial, emotional, and ethical issues that may arise. Now in its fourth edition, Palliative Medicine: A Case-Based Manual walks clinicians through the management of the most common situations found in palliative medicine, from diagnosis and managing symptoms through to grief and bereavement. Using real patient case scenarios and an easy-to-read question and answer format, it gives students and medical professionals an accessible, evidence-based entryway to gain the skills and knowledge needed to provide high quality palliative and end of life care to patients and their families. This new edition has been fully updated to cover the latest guidance, including new chapters dedicated to medical cannabis, opioids, grief and bereavement, and wider issues including palliative care in the community, structurally vulnerable populations, and public health. Written by over 50 experienced palliative care clinicians and educators, this book will be a welcome guide for palliative care workers, medical and nursing students, and medical professionals of any specialty where palliative needs might arise. MacDonald/Oxford 出版年代/版次 2022/4