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【進口商所提供書籍偶有書角微瑕疵,不影響閱讀 “”此書不收退 不介意書角問題再下單””】 Uso Interactivo del Vocabulario (A1-B1) 料號(EAN): 9788477119784 ISBN: 9788477119784 作 者: Encina 出 版 社: Edelsa 出版日期: 2012/4/15 系列名稱: Uso Interactivo del Vocabulario 內容簡介 Incorporating a thematic vocabulary of over 2000 of the most frequently used words in the Spanish language, this single volume offers a wealth of activities to help widen students' active vocabulary. This includes exercises where the vocabulary is used in context as well as more creative exercises and controlled activities. Special attention has been given to Latin American variants (notably Mexican and Argentinian) and for each theme the vocabulary is listed in alphabetical order for ease of reference. Further features are lists of idioms and set phrases, development of oral expression and Hispanic culture. 【系列介紹】 ▌此書共兩冊 A1-B1、B2-C2,第一冊包含22 個不同主題的單元,內容超過3,000 個字彙,適合各類西語程度者使用。每單元皆提供該主題相關單字的各種詞性,並補充中南美洲地區特殊字彙,列出的單字實用性高,能在日常生活中充分應用。 ▌編譯者也列出該單元的單字所延伸的常用對話,幫助學習者在與人交談時的應對能力,同時提供多元的練習題型且附有單字延伸出的常用片語及其西文釋義,讓學習者在閱讀或寫作方面,能靈活的應用字彙。