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Digital transformation continues to create new growth opportunities for businesses and improve the lives of citizens. To help businesses seize these opportunities, the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) launched the Digital Economy Framework for Action in 2018. This living document aims to enhance Singapore's digital competitiveness and become a global node in Asia. As part of Singapore's push for a Digital Economy, IMDA and the Singapore University of Social Sciences have collaborated to jointly publish the Artificial Intelligence, Data and Blockchain in a Digital Economy, First Edition. This book explains how frontier technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence can empower Singapore's digital transformation. It also highlights and provides insights on transformative services and how frontier technology can impact the nation's digitalisation journey. Sample Chapter(s) Foreword Introduction — Singapore as a Smart Nation Request Inspection Copy Contents: Introduction — Singapore as a Smart Nation Technology Study on Artificial Intelligence, Data and Blockchain Convergence of AI, Data and Blockchain 1 The Impact and Implications of AI, Data and Blockchain Model AI Governance Framework Readership: Graduate, postgraduate and executive students, professionals and policy makers with an interest in technology and its impact.