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【此商品少量進口下單前請審慎不接受退換】 Ultrasound Teaching Manual: The Basics of Performing and Interpreting Ultrasound Scans 309-3760/9783132437609 ISBN 9783132437609 作者/出版社 Hofer/Thieme 出版年代/版次 2021/4 重量:0.7kg  頁數:168 裝訂:平裝 開數: 29.7 x 21.2cm 印刷:彩色 紙本+電子書 This workbook is divided into lessons that guide you—like an instructor in an ultrasound course—systematically through the individual organ systems and body regions. Key features of the fourth edition: Special multiple-exposure photos demonstrate the dynamics of handling the transducer Triplet-image units vividly illustrate transducer positioning, the ultrasound image, and relevant anatomy Reference numbers on the accompanying diagrams help you to both actively develop your knowledge and to test it at any time. The legend located on the back cover flap is the key to the reference numbers that are used consistently in each diagram. Quiz images at the end of each chapter are the perfect tool for rigorous self-evaluation Physical fundamentals are presented in vibrant, illustrative diagrams Numerous practical tips and tricks make it easy to familiarize yourself with ultrasound A primer on ultrasound interpretation explains specialized terminology concisely and clearly Precise descriptions of algorithms for transducer positioning facilitate real-time examinations Videos (online access) showing relevant ultrasound anatomy, optimal transducer positioning, and the images you will see on the monitor during examination let you experience the content live—a perfect complement to the book that will greatly improve your retention of the material.