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THE ELEMENTS OF COMPUTION SYSTEMS: BUILDING A MODERN COMPUTER FROM FIRST PRINCIPLES 2E 2021 ISBN:9780262539807類別:電腦Computer Science & Engineering出版社:MIT PRESS作者:NISAN年份:2021裝訂別:平裝頁數:344頁 The best way to understand how computers work is to build one from scratch, and this textbook leads learners through twelve chapters and projects that gradually build the hardware platform and software hierarchy for a simple but powerful computer system. In the process, learners gain hands-on knowledge of hardware, architecture, operating systems, programming languages, compilers, data structures and algorithms, and software engineering. Using this constructive approach, the book introduces readers to a significant body of computer science knowledge and synthesizes key theoretical and applied techniques into one constructive framework.The outcome is known known as Nand to Tetris: a journey that starts with the most elementary logic gate, called Nand, and ends, twelve projects later, with a general-purpose computer system capable of running Tetris and any other program that comes to your mind. The first edition of this popular textbook inspired Nand to Tetris classes in many universities, coding boot camps, hacker clubs, and online course platforms. This second edition has been extensively revised. It has been restructured into two distinct parts—part I, Hardware, and part II, Software—with six projects in each part. All chapters and projects have been rewritten, with an emphasis on separating abstraction from implementation, and many new sections, figures, and examples have been added. Substantial new appendixes offer focused presentation on technical and theoretical topics. Table of Contents I HARDWARE 1 Boolean Logic 9 2 Boolean Arithmetic 31 3 Memory 45 4 Machine Language 61 5 Computer Architecture 83 6 Assembler 103 II SOFTWARE 7 Virtual Machine I: Stack Processing 125 8 Virtual Machine II: Program Control 147 9 High-Level Language 171 10 Compiler I: Syntax Analysis 191 11 Compiler II: Code Generation 211 12 Operating System 245 13 More Fun to Go 273 Appendixes 277 1 Boolean Function Synthesis 277 2 Hardware Description Language 283 3 Test Scripting Language 299 4 The Hack Chip Set 313 5 The Hack Character Set 315 6 The Jack OS API 317