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Interpersonal Skills in Organizations(ISE) 作 / 譯 者 : Suzanne C. de Janasz,Karen O. Dowd,Beth Z. Schneider I S B N - 13 : 9781264554614 I S B N - 10 : 1264554613 類 別: 人群關係/管理心理學 版 次: 7 版 年 份: 2022 規 格: 492 頁 出 版 商: McGraw Hill Education. 簡介 Interpersonal Skills in Organizations by De Janasz, Dowd, and Schneider takes a fresh, thoughtful look at the key skills necessary for personal and managerial success in organizations today. Exploding with exercises, cases, and group activities, the book employs an experiential approach suitable for all student audiences. 目錄 PART I: INTRAPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS: UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF Ch 1 Journey into Self-Awareness Ch 2 Self-Disclosure and Trust Ch 3 Establishing Goals Consistent with Your Values and Ethics Ch 4 Self-Management PART II: INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS: UNDERSTANDING AND WORKING WITH OTHERS Ch 5 Understanding and Working with Diverse Others Ch 6 Listening and Nonverbal Communication Ch 7 Communicating Effectively Ch 8 Persuading Individuals and Audiences PART III: UNDERSTANDING AND WORKING IN TEAMS Ch 9 Negotiation Ch10 Building Teams and Work Groups Ch11 Managing Interpersonal and Organizational Conflict Ch12 Achieving Business Results through Effective Meetings Ch13 Facilitating Team Success Ch14 Making Decisions and Solving Problems Creatively PART IV: LEADING INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS Ch15 Effective and Ethical Use of Power and Influence Ch16 Networking and Mentoring Ch17 Coaching and Providing Feedback for Improved Performance Ch18 Leading and Empowering Self and Others Ch19 Project Management