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Designing engineering components that make optimal use of materials requires consideration of the nonlinear static and dynamic characteristics associated with both manufacturing and working environments. The modeling of these characteristics can only be done through numerical formulation and simulation, which requires an understanding of both the theoretical background and associated computer solution techniques. By presenting nonlinear solid mechanics, dynamic conservation laws and principles, and the associated finite element techniques together, the authors provide in this second book a unified treatment of the dynamic simulation of nonlinear solids. Alongside a number of worked examples and exercises are user instructions, program descriptions, and examples for two MATLAB computer implementations for which source codes are available online. While this book is designed to complement postgraduate courses, it is also relevant to those in industry requiring an appreciation of the way their computer simulation programs work. Theory and finite element implementation both included in one text Assumes only beginning graduate-level knowledge and transitions the subject from Masters through to PhD level Numerous illustrative examples and exercises enhance understanding of basic theory