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【簡介】 A balanced collection of readings—refreshed and reimagined With 30% new readings in the Eighth Edition, Essential Readings in World Politics introduces students to key classic and contemporary works in international relations. The selections in each chapter reflect diverse perspectives on major topics in international relations, and the headnotes provide the context and background that introductory students need. In the Eighth Edition, new readings offer diverse perspectives on current topics such the environment, global health, China’s role in the global order, and the future of globalization. 【目錄】 Chapter 1: Approaches to International Relations Chapter 2: The Historical Context of Contemporary International Relations Chapter 3: International Relations Theories Chapter 4: Levels of Analysis Chapter 5: The State and the Tools of Statecraft Chapter 6: War and Security Chapter 7: International Cooperation and International Law Chapter 8: International Political Economy Chapter 9: Intergovernmental Organizations and Nongovernmental Organizations Chapter 10: Human Rights Chapter 11: The Environment Chapter 12: Human Security: Population, Migration, and Global Health