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Statistics: A Tool for Social Research & Data Analysis 11/e AE【含Access Code,刮除不受退】 + 作者: Healey + 年份: 2021 年11 版 + ISBN: 9789814922845 + 書號: PS0493PC + 規格: 平裝/彩色 + 頁數: 568 + 出版商: Cengage ●SPSS examples include problems using the 2018 General Social Survey, the Pew Research Center's Core Trends Survey and databases that incorporate information from the 50 states and a diverse group of nations. ●A new emphasis is placed on the same "real data" that most industries now use to make evidence-based decisions. In every chapter, hypothetical examples have been replaced with new data used by professionals working on current issues in social policy research, market research, social work, education and other fields. These are now featured in Social Research and Data Analysis boxes. ●Highlighting the careers in data analysis that social science students can now pursue, new end-of-chapter problems have been added on social policy and market research topics to complement the text's traditional problems in sociology, social work, political science, criminal justice, public administration and gerontology. ●All the sections on politics (including the most recent general election), criminal justice, public opinion, sexual behavior and other topics have been thoroughly updated throughout. A "Using Statistics" box at the beginning of each chapter tells students what kinds of things they can learn by using that material and where in the chapter they can find examples of it. 目錄 1. Introduction. PART I: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS. 2. Basic Descriptive Statistics: Tables, Percentages, Ratios and Rates, and Graphs. 3. Measures of Central Tendency. 4. Measures of Variation. 5. The Normal Curve. PART II: INFERENTIAL STATISTICS. 6. Introduction to Inferential Statistics: Sampling and the Sampling Distribution. 7. Estimation Procedures. 8. Hypothesis Testing I: The One-Sample Case. 9. Hypothesis Testing II: The Two-Sample Case. 10. Hypothesis Testing III: The Analysis of Variance. 11. Hypothesis Testing IV: Chi Square. PART III: BIVARIATE MEASURES OF ASSOCIATION. 12. Bivariate Association for Nominal- and Ordinal-Level Variables. 13. Association Between Variables Measured at the Interval-Ratio Level. PART IV: MULTIVARIATE TECHNIQUES. 14. Elaborating Bivariate Tables. 15. Partial Correlation and Multiple Regression and Correlation. Appendix A: Area Under the Normal Curve. Appendix B: Distribution of t. Appendix C: Distribution of Chi Square. Appendix D: Distribution of F. Appendix E: Using Statistics: Ideas for Research Projects. Appendix F: An Introduction to SPSS. Appendix G: Codebooks for All Data Sets. Answers to Odd-Numbered End-Of-Chapter Problems and Cumulative Exercises.