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Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, Enhanced Edition 4/e    SBN-13碼 :9781284211283 出版日期 :2016 版次 :Enhanced Edition 4/E 書系代碼 :27081 作者 :Mark Bear 開數 :菊8開 裝訂 :平裝 印刷 :彩色 Part  1  Foundations   Chapter  1  Neuroscience: Past, Present, and Future   Chapter  2  Neurons and Glia   Chapter  3  The Neuronal Membrane at Rest   Chapter  4  The Action Potential   Chapter  5  Synaptic Transmission   Chapter  6  Neurotransmitter Systems   Chapter  7  The Structure of the Nervous System   Appendix  An Illustrated Guide to Human Neuroanatomy Part  2  Sensory and Motor Systems   Chapter  8  The Chemical Senses   Chapter  9  The Eye   Chapter  10  The Central Visual System   Chapter  11  The Auditory and Vestibular Systems   Chapter  12  The Somatic Sensory System   Chapter  13  Spinal Control of Movement   Chapter  14  Brain Control of Movement Part  3  The Brain and Behavior   Chapter  15  Chemical Control of the Brain and Behavior   Chapter  16  Motivation   Chapter  17  Sex and the Brain   Chapter  18  Brain Mechanisms of Emotion   Chapter  19  Brain Rhythms and Sleep   Chapter  20  Language   Chapter  21  The Resting Brain, Attention, and Consciousness   Chapter  22  Mental Illness Part  4  The Changing Brain   Chapter  23  Wiring the Brain   Chapter  24  Memory Systems   Chapter  25  Molecular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory