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Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications 作者:Bruce E. Rittmann, Perry L. McCarty ISBN:9780071181846 版次:1 年份:2001 出版商:McGraw-Hill Description In "Environmental Biotechnology-Principles and Applications" , the authors connect the many different facets of environmental biotechnology. The book develops the basic concepts and quantitative tools in the first six chapters, which comprise the principles. The text consistently calls upon those principles as it describes the applications in Chapters 7 through 16. The theme is that all microbiological processes behave in ways that are understandable, predictable, and unified. At the same time, each application has its own special features that must be understood. The special features do not overturn or sidestep the common principles. Instead, they complement the principles and are most profitably understood in light of the principles. Table of Contents 1. Basics of Microbiology 2. Stoichiometry and Bacterial Energetics 3. Microbial Kinetics 4. Biofilm Kinetics 5. Reactors 6. The Activated Sludge Process 7. Lagoons 8. Aerobic Biofilm Processes 9. Nitrification 10. Denitrification 11. Phosphorus Removal 12. Drinking-Water Treatment 13. Anaerobic Treatment By Methanogenesis 14. Detoxification Of Hazardous Chemicals 15. Bioremediation